Introducing Lure
A probe design tool for fishing Hi-C data
Lure is a fast, user-friendly web application for designing oligonucleotide probes for hybrid capture Hi-C (Hi-C2). Developed by the Aiden Lab , Hi-C2 allows scientists to enrich Hi-C data in a small, continuous genomic region (Sanborn et al. 2015). Lure is tailored specifically to Hi-C2, designing the optimal probes for Hi-C library enrichment.
Quick Start
Designing probes with Lure is fast, easy, and doesn't require downloads or dependencies. To get started:
- Select a genome (ex: Human: hg38)
- Enter your target region (ex: chr3:133,000,000-133,100,000)
- Choose your Restriction Enzyme (ex: ^GATC,MobI)
- Design Probes!